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Skills required for Back-end Development

Skills required for Back-end Development Starting a career in Back-end Development can be difficult but with right tools and roadmap, the journey can become quiet easier. Here are important skills to kick start your journey.

JavaScript, HTML, CSS

But wait, aren’t these skills required for front-end developer. The answer is no, in order to establish an effective communication between a front-end developer and backend developer you must understand have a good knowledge about JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Strong foundation on atleast one server side language. Server side language are those language which are performed on the server that is on back-stage. Here are some server-side language based on popularity

  • PHP (Fact: Around 82 percent of the Internet still runs on PHP)
  • ASP.NET (17.3 percent)
  • Java (2.7 percent) Other popular languages are JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, C++, Perl, Python Note: It is important to ensure you select only one language when you are trying to learn. This will help you stay focused and get better results for your projects, Job Interview and such. In-depth knowledge of Database (i)Being a back-end developer you need to interact with Database.  Consider for example you need to migrate to proper database architecture. For that you need to have knowledge about index, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Table Partitioning, Database Clustering, Dealing with Table Locks, Creating redundancy, Ability to trace back operation and application log. (ii) Optimization (iii) Reading application Log Consider another situation wh